What an entirely different perspective of a streetscape we have now that the eyesore Grosvenor Hotel site has at long last been cleared.

Pop down and have a look at the new vistas of the ‘Pepper Pot’ building at the bottom of Cambridge Street. We understand that the corner of the site is to be retained in the New Retail Quarter but the rear of the site is to be swept away. Now that its potential has been revealed, how about a scheme to reinstate the famous old Cambridge Arcade. Leeds and London have several and all are major assets and a big draw to shoppers. We’ve got the ideal candidate here and conversion is much ‘greener’ than demolition.

The old Athol Hotel on the corner of Charles Street also has similar potential and our Society has long advocated the removal of its cladding which could possibly reveal some hidden Victorian splendour. Why not have a peek behind it before it’s demolished?

Either of these buildings have got great potential so perhaps Sheffield Council could have a word in the right ear and persuade ‘Mr Developer’ to have a closer look before the wrecking ball is sent in.

Sheffield Newspapers could also join in, with a ‘Crusade for an Arcade’. It rolls off the tongue and it’s not such a bad idea so let’s do something different for a change to enhance our city centre, instead of reverting to the usual glass and concrete blocks.

printed in the Sheffield Telegraph 13.04.17 and Sheffield Star 14.04.17


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