Alas our famous Cruck magazine is no more as production costs have made it non-viable.
Over the years it has evolved from a single page newsheet to a 48 page glossy magazine and the 2016 edition was its swansong.
Now’s your chance to buy one of the remaining copies left, which in years to come may even be a collector’s item!
They will be available on our stand at the Sheffield Heritage Fair in the Millennium Gallery on Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 11-3 16th and 17th September. Free entry.
Send a cheque or postal order for £5 (inc P&P) to HHBS. 375 Abbeydale Road. Sheffield. S7 1FS.
call in to Sheffield Scene on Surrey Street where they are still available at £3.50. Hurry while stocks last.
PS. Just a few 2015 editions are also available.
Bargain offer -comprehensive survey of Sheffield heritage issues with Howard Greaves unique slant and also Clayton’s Corner.
A few copies also left in Sheffield Scene in Surrey Street.